Foundational Philosophy

These works explore the timeless wisdom of ancient thinkers like Stoics, Taoists, and Epicureans, providing profound insights into how to live virtuously, accept the natural flow of life, and understand the nature of the self in relation to the world.

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius


This classic Stoic work offers practical wisdom on how to live a life of virtue, self-discipline, and reflection, teaching how to find peace within oneself amidst the chaos of life.


Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu


A foundational text of Taoism, this work emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (the Way), advocating simplicity, humility, and flexibility in the pursuit of inner peace and balance.


The Republic - Plato


A philosophical exploration of justice, society, and the individual, this work lays the groundwork for Western thought on ethics, governance, and the nature of the ideal state.


The Enchiridion - Epictetus

Manual of Stoic philosophy offers practical guidance on how to live virtuously, focusing on the importance of controlling one's reactions and accepting what cannot be changed. It emphasizes wisdom, and self-control. 

Philosophy of Consciousness

This collection delves into the nature of consciousness, offering philosophical and scientific perspectives on how awareness, perception, and experience shape our reality, as well as the mysteries of the mind and its connection to the universe.

The Phenomenology of Mind by G.W.F. Hegel


This complex text examines the evolution of consciousness, tracing the development of the self from individual perception, revealing how human consciousness shapes and is shaped by history and society.


Consciousness Explained by Daniel Dennett


Dennett offers a scientific perspective on consciousness, suggesting that it arises from complex brain processes and challenges traditional views of the mind-body relationship.


The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley

Through his personal experiences with psychedelics, Huxley explores the nature of perception, reality, and the possibility of transcending ordinary consciousness to glimpse the deeper truths of existence.

The Conscious Mind by David J. Chalmers

A deep dive into the "hard problem" of consciousness, Chalmers explores why and how subjective experience arises from physical processes, questioning the relationship between mind and body.

Ethics and Morality

These texts examine the principles of right and wrong, personal virtue, and how ethical living can lead to a meaningful and fulfilling life, focusing on how individuals should act in the world and the consequences of their choices.

Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill

This book outlines the ethical theory of utilitarianism, which posits that the right course of action is the one that maximizes happiness for the greatest number of people

Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant

Kant lays the foundation for his deontological ethics, arguing that moral actions must be guided by universal principles, where duty and respect for others are paramount.

The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

In this work, Aristotle explores the concept of the "good life" and how humans should cultivate virtue to achieve eudaimonia (flourishing) through rational action and moral development.

The Moral Landscape by Sam Harris

Harris presents a scientific approach to ethics, arguing that human well-being and moral values can be derived from understanding how consciousness interacts with the brain’s processes.

Science and Consciousness

These works explore the intersection of quantum physics and consciousness, arguing that everything in the universe is interconnected, and showing how scientific discoveries are beginning to reveal the deeper, underlying unity of existence.

The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra


Capra explores the parallels between modern physics and Eastern philosophies, illustrating how quantum mechanics and relativity are aligned with the spiritual teachings of Taoism and Buddhism.


The Self-Aware Universe by Amit Goswami

Goswami argues that consciousness is fundamental to the universe, proposing that everything in existence is driven by consciousness and that physical reality is a manifestation of the mind.

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn

Kuhn explores how scientific paradigms shift over time, proposing that scientific progress is not linear but occurs in periodic revolutions, which can reshape our understanding of consciousness and reality

Waking Up by Sam Harris

Harris blends philosophy, neuroscience, and spirituality to examine the nature of consciousness, offering a secular approach to meditation and the exploration of the self, ultimately proposing that understanding consciousness is key to awakening.

How Does This Relate To Ihmism?

The teachings of Ihmism draw from ancient wisdom and modern insights to guide individuals on a path of self-awareness, conscious living, and spiritual growth. 

Ihmism provides a framework for shaping both our present lives and the afterlife. With a focus on virtue, inner harmony, and intentional living, fostering a deeper connection to life.